June 15, 2024

Second Dictatorship of Marcus Furius Camillus (1 gen 390 anni a. C. – 31 dic 390 anni a. C.)


Nevertheless, in 368 BC, Camillus was appointed Roman dictator once more, nominally to conduct the war of Velletri. However, in Rome, the patricians of the Senate were planning to use Camillus as leverage against the agitated plebeians because the Conflict of the Orders had worsened due to a severe economic downturn.

For the Roman magistracy, the populists were demanding a dyad of Roman consuls, of whom one should always be a plebeian. Through a false military levy, Camillus attempted to trick the plebeian council so it might not meet to approve such plans. The enraged assemblymen were about to punish Camillus when he renounced his office of Dictator.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 390 anni a. C.
31 dic 390 anni a. C.
~ 12 months