June 15, 2024

Dictatorship of Publius Cornelius Rutilus Cossus (1 gen 408 anni a. C. – 31 dic 408 anni a. C.)


In 408 BC, a large army comprising mainly Volsci and Aequi assembled at Antium. When news of this reached Rome, the Senate, thinking the situation to be a dangerous one, called for the appointment of a dictator to lead the war effort. This caused consternation among two of the three Consular tribunes, Gaius Julius Iulus and Publius Cornelius Cossus, who wanted the command to stay with them. The disagreement stoked the existing tensions in Rome during the Conflict of the Orders, but Livy's narrative is confused on these events. The situation was only resolved when the third tribune, Gaius Servilius Structus Ahala, seeing that Iulus and Cornelius could not be persuaded, rose to nominate Rutilus Cossus, Cornelius' uncle. Rutilus Cossus then appointed Ahala as his magister equitum, which is doubtless the result of a power-sharing negotiation between the consular tribunes.

Rutilus Cossus and Ahala then led the army out to Antium. They defeated the Volscian coalition in one battle before laying waste to the countryside and storming the Volscian fortress at Lake Fucinus. As many as 3.000 Volsci were taken prisoner. When Cossus returned to the city, he lay down the office of dictator and, according to Livy, did not receive much acclaim for his success. Indeed, according to the Fasti Triumphales, Rutilus Cossus was not awarded a triumph.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 408 anni a. C.
31 dic 408 anni a. C.
~ 12 months