June 15, 2024

Title Contested (1 gen 888 anni – 1 gen 962 anni)


After 887, Italy fell into instability, with many rulers claiming the kingship simultaneously:

Berengar I (888 – 896)
vassal of the German King Arnulf of Carinthia, reduced to Friuli 889-894, deposed by Arnulf in 896.
Guy of Spoleto (889 – 894)
opponent of Berengar, ruled most of Italy but was deposed by Arnulf.
Lambert of Spoleto (891 – 896)
subking of his father Guy before 894, reduced to Spoleto 894–895.
Arnulf of Carinthia (894 – 899)
Ratold (sub-king 896)
In 896, Arnulf and Ratold lost control of Italy, which was divided between Berengar and Lambert:

Berengar I (896 – 924)
seized Lambert's portion upon the latter's death in 898.
Lambert of Spoleto (896 – 898)
Louis III of Provence (900-905)
opposed Berengar 900-902 and 905.
Rudolph II of Burgundy (922 – 933)
defeated Berengar but fled Italy in 926.
Hugh of Arles (926 – 947)
elected by Berengar's partisans in 925, resigned to Provence after 945.
Lothair II of Arles (945 – 950)
Berengar II of Ivrea (950 – 961)
jointly with his son:
Adalbert of Ivrea (950 – 963)

In 951 Otto I of Germany invaded Italy and was crowned with the Iron Crown of Lombardy. In 952, Berengar and Adalbert became his vassals but remained kings until being deposed by Otto.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 888 anni
1 gen 962 anni
~ 74 years