July 1, 2024

Reign of Philip the Arab (1 feb 244 anni – 1 sett 249 anni)


Marcus Julius Philippus (c. 204 – September 249 AD), also known commonly by his nickname Philip the Arab (also known as Philip I), was Roman Emperor from February 244 to September 249. He was born in Arabia Petraea, the Roman province of Arabia, in a city situated in modern-day Syria. He went on to become a major figure in the Roman Empire. After the death of Gordian III in February 244, Philip, who had been Praetorian prefect, achieved power. He quickly negotiated peace with the Persian Sassanid Empire and returned to Rome to be confirmed by the senate. During his reign, the city of Rome celebrated its millennium. He also introduced the Actia-Dusaria Festivities in Bostra, capital of Arabia, symbolizing the union of Rome and the Arabs. Dusaria is Dushara, the main Nabataean deity.

Among early Christian writers, Philip had the reputation of being sympathetic to the Christian faith. Probably for this reason, it was even claimed by some that he had converted to Christianity, which would have made him the first Christian emperor. He supposedly tried to celebrate Easter with Christians in Antioch, but the bishop Saint Babylas made him stand with the penitents. Philip and his wife received letters from Origen.

Philip was betrayed and killed at the Battle of Verona in September 249 following a rebellion led by his successor, Gaius Messius Quintus Decius.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 feb 244 anni
1 sett 249 anni
~ 5 years and 7 months
