June 15, 2024

Orders of Confinement (1 gen 1650 anni – 1 gen 1774 anni)


* Place: Workhouses, Hôpitaux, Private Madhouses, Almshouses, Züchtauser, Ospedali
* Authority: Justices of the Peace, Prefects, Reeves, Physicians (in a few cases)
* Certification Provisions: Poorly Regulated
* Term of confinement: Undefined
* Emphasis on Dangerous to be at large, mendicity, petty crimes
* Examples:
* Lettres de Cachet
* Justices Commitment Act 1743, 17 Geo. II, c. 5: “Whereas there are sometimes persons who, by lunacy or otherwise, are furiously mad, or are so far disordered in their senses that they may be dangerous to be permitted to go abroad, therefore, be it enacted that it shall and may be lawful for any two or more justices of the peace to cause to be apprehended and kept safely locked up in some secure place, and, if such justices shall find it necessary, to be there chained, if the last place of legal settlement be in such city or in any town within such county” s. XX

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1650 anni
1 gen 1774 anni
~ 124 years