// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Attempted coups of Gorbachev (19 ore 12 min, 6 feb 1992 anni – 6 ore 37 min, 13 ottob 1992 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Attempted coups of Gorbachev (19 ore 12 min, 6 feb 1992 anni – 6 ore 37 min, 13 ottob 1992 anni)


1991 Coup
an attempt by a group of members of the Soviet Union's government to take control of the country from Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev. Coup collapsed in 2 days.

1993 Coup
Yeltsin dissolved the parliament and used the referendum to justify his actions. parliament elected ruskoi as president and used military force to obtain full power in Russia. burned parliamentary building

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


19 ore 12 min, 6 feb 1992 anni
6 ore 37 min, 13 ottob 1992 anni
~ 8 months