// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. WEIMAR REPUBLIC (9 nov 1918 anni – 1 gen 1933 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

WEIMAR REPUBLIC (9 nov 1918 anni – 1 gen 1933 anni)


The Weimar Republic was Germany's Government from 1918-1933. It was formed after the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Germany didn't fare well after WWI, the troubled economy and social havoc meant Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate. This left Germany without a leader, and the following day a provisional government was announced, made up of members of the Social Democratic party and Democratic Party of Germany. On February 6th 1919, the National Assembly met in the town of Weimar, and formed the Weimar Coalition. They elected SDP leader Friedrich Ebert.
On the 28th of June, the Treaty of Versailles was signed. This left Germany unable to join the League of Nations, reduce its military, relinquish some of its territory and pay exorbitant reparations to the Allies.
The Weimar Republic made up a constitution. It was a representative democracy which aimed to give genuine power to all German adults.
What seemed like a very fair and reasonable constitution had very many weakness', including political discord, lack of support, constitutional weakness and sociocultural weakness.
The Weimar Republic faced one of Germany’s greatest economic challenges: hyperinflation. The country was in such extreme hyperinflation, the country was slowly shutting down. Thanks to the Treaty of Versailles it was now in massive debt it could not pay back. Germany was send into a depression and the Weimar Republic ultimately set Hitler up for a great rise when he became Furher.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

23 feb 2020


9 nov 1918 anni
1 gen 1933 anni
~ 14 years
