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April 1, 2024

Robert Fulton developing Hudson River steamboats (18 gen 1800 anni – 25 lugl 1834 anni)


Hudson River steamboats were developed by Robert Fulton in the 1800s and 1810s. Hudson River steamboats are unique in that they have two paddlewheels located in the center of the boat on either side. Which is why they are also called "sidewheel steamers." In contrast, Mississippi River steamboats have single, wide paddlewheel at the rear or stern of the boat.

The Hudson River was a proving ground for new and improved engines and designs. Steamboats did not totally overtake Hudson River sloops in the 19th century in transportation, originally focusing primarily on the more lucrative passenger trade.

In essence the Hudson River provided a test area for new designs of steamboats and served as a popular route for steamboats carrying people and goods.


Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

19 gen 2018


18 gen 1800 anni
25 lugl 1834 anni
~ 34 years