June 15, 2024

'The Farm House' 'The End' (The Walking Dead: Issue 193) (The Walking Dead: Volume 32) (6 ore 18 lugl 2033 anni – 21 ore 27 lugl 2033 anni)


- Post-Trials
- Carl Grimes kills a roamer which wonders onto his property.
- Carl finds Hershel Greene in town and punches him for one of his walking dead escaping.
- Sheriff Kapoor visits the Grimes' Farm.
- The Grimes family has dinner at Earl Sutton's farm.
- Carl and Sophia attend the informal court hearing, president Maggie Greene assigns Carl's punishment.
- Carl and Sophia race to Andrea's school.
- Carl goes out to clear his head, he kills the remainder of Hershel's roamers.
- Hershel finds his property destroyed, Carl rushes out to work with Lydia.
- Carl and Lydia discuss what he did and which routes to take.
- They deliver supplies to Negan's home in Springhaven, nobody ever answers.
- They deliver supplies to Jesus and Aaron's riverboat and Elias's house among others.
- The bird population is so dense it blocks out the sun.
- They set up their tent, Lydia invites Carl to sleep inside with her and annoys him about his eyepatch.
- They load up the train and board it.
- They reach the western front where Eugene Porter works to reunite America's railway system.
- Carl argues with Laura about his father, they get the train back home.
- Carl pays Lydia her share and returns home, Sheriff Kapoor arrests him.
- Carl attends the informal hearing at the High Court with Judge Michonne Hawthorne, she outlaws the displaying of roamers for profit.
- Michonne explains her surname and catches up with Carl, Hershel justifies his business.
- They leave the courthouse past the statue of The Great Rick Grimes.
- Carl reads his daughter a bedtime story.
- The East and the West of the United States are reunited.

The End.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 ore 18 lugl 2033 anni
21 ore 27 lugl 2033 anni
~ 9 days
