June 15, 2024

Julius Caesar (16 gen 100 anni a. C. – 23 lugl 44 anni a. C.)


Julius Caesar is arguably the most famous Roman Emperor to ever live, although he wasn’t actually an emperor. He was a very successful military man, conquering Gaul and then returning home to celebration despite having technically committed treason by crossing the Rubicon River without permission (Ancient History Encyclopedia). Everyone loved Caesar (except for other people with power) and he slowly began to take control of Rome. He started to change the way life was lived in Rome, inventing bankruptcy, posted senate dealings publicly, giving out purchased land to poor Plebs, and imposing legal limits on Nobilitus that they had never had before. It was getting to be too much for the Nobilitus and Senators to bear, and the last straw was when he started wearing the clothes of a king and appointed himself dictator for life. Caesar was assassinated by 60 conspirators, ending his life but not his influence on Rome. The laws that he put in place remained, laws that helped to level the playing field between the poor and the rich. But the main thing that Julius Caesar did was essentially end the Republic with his death. Octavian ended up ruling Rome as the first emperor after the power struggle that resulted from Caesar’s death, forever ending the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar actually kind of contributed to both the rise and fall of Rome, he helped the poor people on one hand, but on the other hand he essentially started the Roman Empire, which eventually led to the demise of Rome.

“Julius Caesar.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, www.ancient.eu/Julius_Caesar/.

“Julius Caesar.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Dec. 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Caesar.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

21 dic 2017


16 gen 100 anni a. C.
23 lugl 44 anni a. C.
~ 55 years
