// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. John Snow's Life Span John Snow is considered to be the one of the founders of modern microbiology. This is mainly due to his work in tracing the source of the Cholera outbreak in London. He mapped out cases of Cholera and determined that the cases were mainly around the water pumps, where citizens would go to get water. He observed that the water companies were taking the water through sewage areas, before taking it to the pumps. His work led to an improvement in waste systems around the world. (15 marzo 1813 anni – 16 giug 1858 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

John Snow's Life Span John Snow is considered to be the one of the founders of modern microbiology. This is mainly due to his work in tracing the source of the Cholera outbreak in London. He mapped out cases of Cholera and determined that the cases were mainly around the water pumps, where citizens would go to get water. He observed that the water companies were taking the water through sewage areas, before taking it to the pumps. His work led to an improvement in waste systems around the world. (15 marzo 1813 anni – 16 giug 1858 anni)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


15 marzo 1813 anni
16 giug 1858 anni
~ 45 years