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April 1, 2024

Ignatius Loyola: The Counter-Reformation and the Jesuits (1 apr 1491 anni – 17 nov 1556 anni)


The Counter-Reformation or the Catholic Reformation was a reaction against the Protestant movement. This reformation tried to revive the best features of medieval Catholicism.

Saint Teresa of Avila experienced visions that she claimed resulted in her union with God, and the Benedictines and Dominicans were reformed and renewed. New religious orders and brotherhoods tried to counter the Protestant movement.

Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus and submitted his will to the will of the church. He excercised spiritual development by strengthening the human will.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 apr 1491 anni
17 nov 1556 anni
~ 65 years