June 15, 2024

The Great Northern War (1 gen 1700 anni – 10 sett 1721 anni)


In 1700, Russia, Denmark-Norway, and Saxony-Poland united to challenge the supremacy of Sweden. The War resulted in a shift of power in Northern Europe from Sweden to Russia. The War was a result of Sweden's repeated invasions of areas surrounding Baltic and numerous wars with all three of the attackers. The Swedish king Charles XI died in 1967, leaving his teenage son in charge of Sweden, leaving Sweden weak and exposed.

The offensive was led by Peter the Great, who defeated the Swedish armies in numerous battles surrounding the Baltic Sea. On July 8th 1709, Peter the Great beat the Swedes at the Battle of Poltava causing Charles XII to flee to Turkey. In 1715, Charles returned to Sweden and tried to reunite his country. He was then killed while invading Norway in 1718. His death effectively ended the Swedish cause, and negotiations of peace started. On September 10th 1721, the Treaty of Nystad was signed, effectively giving Russia parts of the highly coveted lands along the Baltic Sea and parts of Finland.

Following the War, Russia would remain the dominant power in Northern Europe, and Sweden would never fully recover. Sweden was then relegated to roughly what is considered its modern day borders.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1700 anni
10 sett 1721 anni
~ 21 years