// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775) Second Continental Congress meeting with Thomas Jefferson a Virginian lawyer, Boston Merchant John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia. The congress felt like they needed to prepare for war. (7 magg 1775 anni – 7 magg 1775 anni) (Il nastro del tempo)
April 1, 2024

Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775) Second Continental Congress meeting with Thomas Jefferson a Virginian lawyer, Boston Merchant John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia. The congress felt like they needed to prepare for war. (7 magg 1775 anni – 7 magg 1775 anni)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

4 dic 2019


7 magg 1775 anni
7 magg 1775 anni
~ 0 min