June 15, 2024

Rebellion of Divine Spirits (11 nov 1399 anni – 1 feb 1402 anni)


One of the oldest Divine Spirit: Yamit, the spirit of Shadows and Darkness was realizing that something was wrong with Gods... They were acting weirdly recently and were not really taking care of their creations on Earth. Not really trusting the other Divine Spirits, Yamit decided to secretly ask to "Millenial God". Yamit knew she was disobeying the law, gods taught her long time ago but she didn't care anymore...she wanted to know the truth.

Oddly enough, the "Millenial God" accepted her request and told her what she exactly wanted to know. "Gods want to abandon earth and let your creations die. Knowing them...they might do that multiple times but you won't even be able to remember that in a few centuries."
Yamit was shocked by those last words and ask him why. The "Millenial God" revealed her the condition of Divine Spirits in general. Yamit couldn't believe it...she didn't wanted to accept that answer! She tried to get more informations from him but the "Millenial God" stayed silent.
The "Millenial God" asked her a last question before she left:
"Now, little spirit, what will you do?"

"Nothing at all! How can I believe that! It's impossible...I don't know what YOU and all the gods are plotting together but it doesn't seems to be a good thing."

Half a year passed and some relations with some divine spirits were becoming weirder and weirder. Some of them didn't seemed to know or remember the other spirits and were acting weirdly. The number of weird spirits was slowly rising up. The remaining spirits didn't know what was happening and started to get really scared by the situation. Yamit remembered what the "Millenial God" told her about their life. She knew she and her remaining friends and spirits were next on the "death list". She decided to start a rebellion against those gods to protect the last spirits and to make the god realize that spirits CAN'T be considered as simple tools. But it was already too late, the most powerful divine spirits and the new born ones decided to go on the god side and banned those rebellious spirits.
Most of them were send on Earth, the others were killed... But for Yamit it was something else... After a long judgement by gods and divine spirits she was send on Earth with most of her power sealed thanks to a clay mask sticked on her face. Powerless, she will be considered as a poor spooky shadow on Earth...for a long time...forced to see the magical creation of Divine Spirits and Gods falling into the abyss cause of the humanity's madness.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 nov 1399 anni
1 feb 1402 anni
~ 2 years and 2 months