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April 1, 2024

Reign of Mehmed I (21 gen 1413 anni – 15 ottob 1421 anni)


After civil war, doesn't trust the Ottoman soldiers, so he makes a slave army through the Devshirme system, in which a tax is levied against European Christian boys, who are then taken and used as soldiers for the Ottomans. The troops become known as the Janissaries, who are a standing army serving for life, running European campaigns. They're armed with muskets, and are incredibly effective in battle. The Janissaries are converted to Islam by the Bektashi, who preach a form of Sufism that believes in reincarnation, Ali, and the 12 imams. It also combines Christian tradition, which would've been easier to swallow for the slave army.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

10 dic 2017


21 gen 1413 anni
15 ottob 1421 anni
~ 8 years and 8 months