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April 1, 2024

Ilkhan Dynasty (2 gen 1256 anni – 6 gen 1336 anni)


First dynasty set up in the Middle East by the Mongol invaders. Established by Hulegu, grandson of Chinggis. Ultimately proves the Mongols are awful at ruling -- and isn't even an Islamic caliphate until 1295 when ruler Ghazan converts, likely for political motivations. Notably attempts to replace the traditional coinage with paper currency, which is rejected by traders and the general population. Forced to bring in local bureaucrats and actual Muslims into government to actually manage controlled lands. Begins a period of "Pax Mongolica," in which the Middle East is again united, this time under Mongol rule. Trade is free between China and Europe and through the Islamic world, bringing trade but also the black death, which has an 80% death rate.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

10 dic 2017


2 gen 1256 anni
6 gen 1336 anni
~ 80 years