June 15, 2024

1250 - 1850 Little ICE AGE in Europe / Russia / North America (1 gen 1300 anni – 4 dic 1850 anni)


The Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of cooling that occurred after the Medieval Warm Period.
Although it was not a true ice age, the term was introduced into scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939.
It has been conventionally defined as a period extending from the 16th to the 19th centuries, but some experts prefer an alternative timespan from about 1300[6] to about 1850.

The NASA Earth Observatory notes three particularly cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another about 1770, and the last in 1850, all separated by intervals of slight warming.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Assessment Report considered the timing and areas affected by the Little Ice Age suggested largely independent regional climate changes rather than a globally synchronous increased glaciation. At most, there was modest cooling of the Northern Hemisphere during the period.

Several causes have been proposed: cyclical lows in solar radiation, heightened volcanic activity, changes in the ocean circulation, variations in Earth's orbit and axial tilt (orbital forcing), inherent variability in global climate, and decreases in the human population (for example from the Black Death and the colonization of the Americas)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1300 anni
4 dic 1850 anni
~ 551 years
