June 15, 2024

Save to Buy a Home (1 gen 2022 anni – 1 gen 2028 anni)


My ideals of saving and buying a home are less traditional than others in the sense that my main goal is to out-right buy a small sustainable home that will serve as a forever-home. I really enjoy the sustainability, simplicity, and frugality that come along with "tiny-home" living, and purchasing one in the future has been an aspiration of mine for a few years. Instead of saving for a down payment on a mortgage, I will instead save ideally $50k-$70k over a span of 6 years in order to fully purchase the house and avoid the cost of a mortgage. I would ideally save $500-$1000 dollars per month (if financially possible at the time) in order to save and would do this by living frugally as possible. Free university living due to family circumstances will be extremely beneficial for me during this time as I will be able to put the majority of money made from a part-time job towards my savings. I will begin this savings plan at the start of university, and continue saving until I have worked a full-time job for a few years, before finally purchasing a house.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 2022 anni
1 gen 2028 anni
~ 6 years