June 15, 2024

Birmingham Protests (3 apr 1963 anni – 10 magg 1963 anni)


1. The Birmingham Protests was a movement by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference intended to bring attention to black integration efforts in Birmingham, Alabama.
2. It happened in April and May of 1963.
3. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Fred Shuttlesworth led many of these nonviolent protests, and it was after he was arrested at one of these protests that he wrote his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail."
4. It happened in Birmingham, Alabama.
5. A major cause was the segregation of many public facilities.
6. A major effect was the desegregation of many public facilities, the release of black prisoners on bond, and the hiring of more blacks following a meeting between King, Shuttlesworth, and a few leaders discussing civil rights of blacks, but this caused a violent outbreak from the KKK.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


3 apr 1963 anni
10 magg 1963 anni
~ 1 months and 7 days