June 15, 2024

1464 URBINO'S LIBRARY Biggest "private" library is founded (1 gen 1464 anni – 10 sett 1482 anni)


The Library of Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino (1422-1482), is one of the most famous fifteenth-century manuscript collections.

It has reached us practically intact and is currently preserved in the Vatican Apostolic Library, where it constitutes the main part of the Urbino Funds (Latin, Greek and Hebrew).

The fame of this library is linked to the exceptional beauty of its manuscripts; it was created in close correlation with the personal and political history of Federico da Montefeltro, who conceived and commissioned it as a complex work of art.

Ceiling of the Library room at the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino Vespasiano da Bisticci, actively participated in the creation of the library and offers a detailed description of it in his Life of Federico da Montefeltro. In this work the Florentine bookseller emphasizes that the collection consisted entirely of manuscript books: "In the book one all the books are beautiful in superlative degree, all inscribed in pen, and there is no unknown in the print, which would be ashamed , all very elegantly illuminated, and there is no unknown one who is not written in cavretto "

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1464 anni
10 sett 1482 anni
~ 18 years