June 15, 2024

1 gen 1937 anni - Alcohol + Jungian Analyst


Despite being extremely busy, Pollock had difficulty quitting drinking. His drinking was an escape from his constant conflict with himself and his mammoth ambition. Pollock's drinking allowed him to forget his troubles with women, the struggle of creating art without technical skill and his creativity blocks. Pollock's alcoholic ways resulted in violently acting out, mood swings and social withdrawl. Pollock is believed to have suffered from bipolar disorder and along with his alcohol addiction.

His angst seems to stem from his mother Stella Pollock who was distant, yet possissive of her children. She refused to discipline her children and forbid her husband to do so too. Stella wasted her husband's money often on luxuary furniture and clothing, she rendered Roy Pollock powerless within the household, economically and emotionally. In response, Roy took up multiple jobs that required travelling and working outdoors. He also turned to alcohol to help cope with his problems. Pieces such as Woman (1930-1933) depict his inner angst towards his mother which developed into women in general. The 5 children around the female figure in Women to be the siblings and the monstrous women to be his mother.

In 1937, Pollock began psychiatric treatment Jungian analyst for his alcoholism. The analyst fueled his interest in symbolism and Native American Art.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

12 apr 2018


1 gen 1937 anni
~ 87 years ago