June 15, 2024

31 ottob 1994 anni - Halloween Feast


Dahlia wears a mask to the feast, to the confusion of Severus. he questions her about it, and she explains that in the states, children would dress up in costumes and go door to door for candy on Halloween. she explains that this tradition was also done by Ilvermorny, students were split up and sent to various nearby settlements to Trick-or-Treat on Hallow's Eve, costumes optional. she claims she hadn't been to a halloween celebration since her last year at Ilvermorny, and wanted to indulge in some nostalgia. Severus mistakes the children going alone. "Well they don't go alone, Severus, we're not that stupid. Teachers are assaigned to the group. I got lucky my third year, our group got Profressor Kenway Jr. All of the students loved him." What did he teach?" "Magical Creatures Studies." "His father taught Defence. Won't ever find any other two people so different."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


31 ottob 1994 anni
~ 29 years ago