July 1, 2024

25 dic 1992 anni - Malfoy confronts Harry


After the basilisk leaves, Malfoy confronts Harry about why he snuck into the common room. Harry glares, stating it was none of his business. Malfoy counters that he'd go right to the headmaster if he had nothing to say. Harry sneers, but states that they thought he was the Heir and wanted to get information. he admits it failed pretty spectacularly. Malfoy thinks they're idiots, and again states he doesn't know who the heir is. Harry coutners that he knows more than anyone else they've seen, and asks him for more information. Malfoy sneers, refuses because Harry had broken his nose and stolen his snitch. Harry states Malfoy saved his life, so they were fairly even. Draco purses his lips, then explains more about the Chamber and the last murder.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


25 dic 1992 anni
~ 31 years ago