June 15, 2024

21 ore 44 min, 20 apr 2024 anni - Second RGB Concordant


Two years after the first RGB Concordant (Red, Green Blue; signifying Foralkan, Kavani and Lycentian forces), a massive planned battle occurred between all three NPC factions, and Triple-Coffee Consortium (Combined Coffee Shop, TSE, STASIS, and OOFERS fleets). Originally planned to take place in Pilini, it was soon moved to Gatma-7.

Immediately after the Lycentian Presidential Debates, the galactic powers in Starscape began to rally for the gigabattle. After mass-confusion between both sides, Gatma-7 was eventually decided to be the battle point. The RGB fleet warped in with an estimated 130+ players, while the TCC fleet held in a neighboring system. After a short while, the TCC fleet warped in with fighters. For 21 minutes, both fleets engaged in Fighter v Destroyer battle, until the RGB fleet retreated.

The server was capped at 150 players, but it is estimated that 200+ players participated in this engagement. Despite not crashing, people were mass-exploit kicked during the battle. After this, the RGB fleet moved to Dripi Ioploo for another engagement (see Battle of Dripi Ioploo report).

The battle spanned across several star systems, resulting in the loss of 20 warships and many fighters.

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1 mesi fa


21 ore 44 min, 20 apr 2024 anni
~ 1 months and 24 days ago