June 15, 2024

15 ore 9 min, 22 marzo 2024 anni - Operation "Walker"


After the events at Herbert, Jareth realizes that Jake is potentially becoming an unstoppable threat (Jake had planned on killing everybody to win, even if they were loyal, as seen with the murder of Junior).

Jareth notices that Jake takes Kiegon (who is dead at the time) home whenever it's chilly, so he plans to take out Jake on March 22nd with the help of the assassin, Logan.

When the day came, and Jake arrived at Kiegon's house, Logan jumped out and killed Jake. However, Jake had a wild card and revived himself, then killing Logan. Jareth ran back to his car with Jake hot on his trail (this was dumb of Jake to do, since Jareth was dead at that time). Jareth opened his back car door and told Brayden (who was just along for a ride home) to shoot Jake, Brayden did, killing Jake once more.

This operation was achieved almost solely through luck & amazing coincidences:
- Logan was shot at by Jake on his way to school, luckily none hit him.
- The backup shooter (in case Logan died before the operation), Jay, wasn't at school that day.
- Brayden just so happened to walk by Jareth and Logan as they walked out of the building. He asked for a ride home and they said sure, since they believed the operation wouldn't take too long.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


15 ore 9 min, 22 marzo 2024 anni
~ 2 months and 11 days ago