June 15, 2024

23 dic 1096 anni - Crusaders arrived at Constantinople


Alexius was not ecstatic to meet the crusaders. His daughter and biographer wrote that Alexius-"dreaded (the arrival of the crusaders) knowing as he did their uncontrollable passion, their erratic character and irresolution, not to mention their greed".

Despite this distain, Alexius still appreciated the help the crusaders were. This can be seen when Godfrey of Bouillon arrived in December 1076. Alexius greeted him to an audience, although Godfrey sat on his throne not greeting anyone.

Trust for the Crusaders was thin, so Alexius proposed an oath to Godfrey. All land that the crusaders takes in the previously Byzantine owned Asia Minor shall come back to the Byzantine Empire. Godfrey refused leading to Alexius not giving Godfrey any aid to the Holy Land until Godfrey accepts. Godfrey's army began to pillage land and even attempted an attack on Constantinople. However the city was too strong and Godfrey submitted in January 1097.

Before Godfrey, Hugh of Vermandois arrived at Constantinople and was the first to be offered the oath. Hugh stalled unsure what other leaders would do. Under pressure, Hugh accpeted the oath.

Bohemond of Taranto arrived next in April 1097. Bohemond was the leader with a strong ambition for personal gain. His father had inherited land in the East that was taken by Byzantine and Venetians. He had practically nothing left and believed land in the East was rightfully his. As a result, Alexius feared him the most. However Bohemond assured Alexius that his army posed no threat and accepted Alexius oath with no fuss. He was rewarded with a lavish room filled with treasures.

Raymond, Count of Toulouse arrived last. A more powerful and mature leader, Raymond was not so easily swayed in taking the oath. Despite the encouragement of the other leaders Raymond did not accept the oath, he saw himself as the leader of the crusade. He had arrived to the Holy Land in service to God and would not abide by any other ruler. There was a compromise- Raymond would respect the Emperor and his land. A lukewarm oath but enough for the crusaders to start going to the Holy Land.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


23 dic 1096 anni
~ 928 years ago