July 1, 2024

16 sett 1837 anni - Léon Faucher draws up rules/timetable 'for House of young prisoners in Paris'


"Eighty years [after the torture of Damiens (see 1757 timeline entry], Léon Faucher drew up his rules 'for the House of young prisoners in Paris':

'Art. 17. The prisoners' day will begin at six in the morning in winter and at five in summer. They will work for nine hours a day throughotu the year. Two hours a day will be devoted to instruction. Work and the day will end at nine o'clock in winter and at eight in summer...' (Faucher 274-82).

[...] We have, then, a public execution and a time-table. They do not punish the same crimes or the same type of delinquent. But they each define a certiain penal style. Less than a century separates them. It was a time when, in Europe and in the United States, the entire economy of punishment was redistributed... It saw a new theory of law and crime, a new moral or political justification of the right to punish..."

Source: Michel Foucault. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1995). Pg. 7.

*Exact month & day of Faucher's publication not specified.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


16 sett 1837 anni
~ 186 years ago