June 15, 2024

3 marzo 2017 anni - Starscape is Created


On March 3rd. 2017, Starscape is created. Originally a remake of ZolarKeth's former game, Keth's Shipyards, it soon spiraled into an open world space game

Quote from Keth about the creation:
"In March 2017, I returned to my single dorm room at college after a spring break trip with some friends. It was a Wednesday evening, if I remember correctly, and most of the people in my living group were off-campus on other trips or visiting with their families. I wasn't entirely sure what to do with my time since almost no one was there.

I fired up Roblox Studio and started messing around. I decided to make an updated version of one of my old ships from Keth Shipyards: the Zenith, my favorite of all time. I was a much better coder than I was in 2010, so I figured it would be fun to see what I could do with spaceship controls. It wasn't long before I had a little demo of a flight system and a nice updated version of my favorite ship. But it felt a little empty, so I started adding some elements of a solar system I could fly around in."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

1 mesi fa


3 marzo 2017 anni
~ 7 years and 3 months ago