June 15, 2024

1 agos 1179 anni - Siege of the castle Jacob Ford


Baldwin wanted to strengthen the Frankish barrier after the Battle of Montgisard. Borders in land were defined through mountains and fortifications. Much like the tensions in borders between Antioch and Aleppo that led to the Battle of the Field of Blood. Baldwin and Saladin engaged in similar tensions between the North of the Sea of Galilee and Upper River Jordan.
As a result Baldwin built a castle known as Jacob Ford in the west bank of Jordan:
Gateway from Frankish Palestine to Muslim Syria,

A march away from Damascus,

Templars and Baldwin's seat of government occupied there,

The castle threatened Saladin's capital as well as Damascus. The Templars could also easily take over trade routes. The Castle also enhanced Frankish protection.

Saladin could not attack originally as his troops were in Baalbek. So, Saladin tried to buy the Franks out to halt the Franks construction of the castle. But the Templars and Baldwin did not fall.

In 1179, the castle did not consist of much; nothing more than a tower and a wall. With Saladin's troops back and Jacob Ford in a vulnerable state , Saladin attacked the castle killing most Latins.

With this Saladin could move towards Damascus further uniting Islam. This was a great recovery from the humiliating defeat at Montgiscard.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

1 mesi fa


1 agos 1179 anni
~ 845 years ago