June 15, 2024

15 magg 1174 anni - Nur al-Din dies


The Islamic world felt mass reverberations after the news of Nur al-Dins death. Building hospitals, citadels for protection and colleges and putting faith in the people made him a popular leader-" I hold only in the trust for the people". Even William of Tyre extended gratitude describing him as "wise" and "just".
However, Saladin saw his death as an opportunity in become Islam's ruler. But, Nur al-din already had an successor, an eleven year-old al-Salih. In fact, Nur al-Din had many blood relatives that would protect Zengi's dunasty.

Nevertheless, Saladin (sultan of Egypt) would extend his power to achieve his desired status. He would want to replicate the achievement Zengi had in uniting Islam.

It is unclear what Saladin's motive was in taking over and uniting Islam. Many Muslim documents during the time such as 'The Life of Saladin' expresses Saladin's love for Jihad-"Saladin was very diligent and zealous for the Jihad". However, a characteristic similar to Zengi, Saladin would use propaganda and image creation. His efforts would show him trying to become an Overlord of Sunni orthodox. This motive is more self-centred, emphasising a thirst for power.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

1 mesi fa


15 magg 1174 anni
~ 850 years ago