June 15, 2024

1 feb 1618 anni - Thirty Years' War


During the 16th century the Reformation have been dividing the Holy Roman Empire. Lutheran's during this time header recognized where as Calvinist rulers were not. Catholic and Protestant States formed alliances. Another interesting fact was that foreign powers hadInvested interest in these powers. Everyone wanted to expand and grow within Europe. They wanted to take new land and change the way things were done. The 30-year Wars began when the Holy Roman Empires Ferdinand II of bohemia try to curtail the religious activities of his people.This sparked Rebellion among Protestants. All the major powers of Europe were involved with in this war including Sweden, France, Spain and Australia. They were all waging campaigns on German land. Known in part for the atrocities committed by mercenary soldiers, the war ended with a series of treaties that made up the Peace of Westphalia.What happened after help to reshape the religious and political map that was Central Europe. This was then setting up for the old centralized Roman Catholic Empire to give way to a community of sovereign states. This was the change in Europe in the change in the Roman Empire.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

19 mar 2018


1 feb 1618 anni
~ 406 years ago