June 15, 2024

1 gen 1939 anni - Edwin Embree published visit with Sun Elk


"They told us Indian ways were bad. They said we must get civilized. I remember that word too. It means 'be like the white man' I am willing to be like a white man, but I did not believe Indians' ways were wrong. But they kept teaching us for seven years. And the books told how bad the Indians had been to the white men-burning their towns and killing their women and children. But I had seen white men do that to Indians. We all wore white man's clothes and ate white man's food and went to white man's churches and spoke white man's talk. And so after a while we also began to say Indians were bad. We laughed at our own people and their blankets and cooking pots and sacred societies and dances." -Sun Elk

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

4 mesi fa


1 gen 1939 anni
~ 85 years ago