June 15, 2024

11 nov 1989 anni - First day of being caught


On November 11, at 9:15 a.m., Cabrera, Detective Terry Brown and defendants's parole officer Jim Wilson went to 1426 F Street to investigate Montoya's disappearance. They spoke with defendant, and she repeated the story that she had told the social worker about Montoya being taken away by his brother-in-law. They also asked defendant whether she had had a tenant named Ben. She said that Ben Fink had lived there until four months earlier when she had thrown him out for getting drunk. Wilson discussed with defendant "a possible violation of her parole because of having borders and being the payee." He told defendant that he "would write it up as a violation." Cabrera asked defendant if they could look around the house and dig in her yard. Defendant allowed them to do so. In defendant's bedroom, Cabrera found a vial "crammed full of blue capsules" and an empty vial with the name "Dorothy Miller" on it. Cabrera asked defendant about the vial with Miller's name on it, and defendant said that Miller was a relative. The three men thereafter began digging in the yard. First, they found some bones and then a shoe with a foot in it buried in the yard. They stopped digging and called the coroner's office. The police secured the area. On November 11, at 9:15 a.m., Cabrera, Detective Terry Brown and defendants's parole officer Jim Wilson went to 1426 F Street to investigate Montoya's disappearance. They spoke with defendant, and she repeated the story that she had told the social worker about Montoya being taken away by his brother-in-law. They also asked defendant whether she had had a tenant named Ben. She said that Ben Fink had lived there until four months earlier when she had thrown him out for getting drunk. Wilson discussed with defendant "a possible violation of her parole because of having borders and being the payee." He told defendant that he "would write it up as a violation." Cabrera asked defendant if they could look around the house and dig in her yard. Defendant allowed them to do so. In defendant's bedroom, Cabrera found a vial "crammed full of blue capsules" and an empty vial with the name "Dorothy Miller" on it. Cabrera asked defendant about the vial with Miller's name on it, and defendant said that Miller was a relative. The three men thereafter began digging in the yard. First, they found some bones and then a shoe with a foot in it buried in the yard. They stopped digging and called the coroner's office. The police secured the area.

Defendant went to the police station and was interviewed and then returned to her home. She told the police that she had no problem whatsoever with them digging in her yard.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 nov 1989 anni
~ 34 years ago