June 15, 2024

1 apr 1988 anni - Dorotheas friend trujillo opens up about past of seeing dorothea being crazy


At some point, defendant told her friend Trujillo that "she had bodies down in the yard and not to be going down there." Defendant once stated to Trujillo that "she had killed people and that they were buried in her yard." Trujillo once observed defendant empty a white substance out of some pink pill capsules into a drink defendant was fixing for McCauley. Defendant told Trujillo that she was doing this to "knock him out." Defendant took this drink to McCauley. Thirty minutes later, defendant went into McCauley's room, went through his pockets and "pulled out some money." Trujillo observed that McCauley was unconscious. On another occasion, Trujillo went to 1426 F Street for dinner right after her release from a prison stay. Defendant gave her a plate of food and a drink. The next thing Trujillo remembered was defendant "putting pills in my mouth." Trujillo woke up the next day in jail for violating her parole. In April 1988, Trujillo told police that defendant "was killing people, and she had dead bodies." The police took no action on this information. Trujillo did not say anything about bodies being buried in defendant's yard.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 apr 1988 anni
~ 36 years ago