June 15, 2024

27 apr 1982 anni - Ruth Monore Died


Toxicological testing of Munroe's blood revealed "very high levels" of acetaminophen (Tylenol) and codeine. "therapeutic level" of meprobamate. Although the Tylenol level was lethal, it did not cause Munroe's death because it takes more time for Tylenol to cause death as a result of liver failure than for codeine to cause death as a result of respiratory depression. Munroe's death had been the result of "respiratory depression" caused by a massive overdose of codeine. Codeine causes a coma and then death through respiratory depression within two to four hours. It was estimated that Munroe had died "somewhere around midnight, give or take 2 or 3 hours on either side." The autopsy revealed "necrosis" of Munroe's liver. Necrosis of the liver can be caused by Tylenol, but it takes "a minimum of 2 days to 5 or 7 days" of excessive amounts of Tylenol to produce such "necrotic" changes. An individual who ingests a lethal dose of Tylenol will experience "nondescript symptoms" for one to three days followed by a coma and then death. Necrotic changes cannot occur within a few hours. No alcohol was detected in Munroe's blood, but her stomach contained about five ounces of a "dark green fluid material that smelled a little bit mint like." There was no evidence of trauma or injury to her body. At the time, it was assumed that Munroe had committed suicide, but the coroner classified the cause of death as "undetermined." A few months later, after reading that defendant had been convicted of "drugging other people," Munroe's children became suspicious. Dorothea claimed that her roommate killed herself. Her son, however, is convinced that his mother didn’t commit suicide, but was instead murdered by Dorothea Puente

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


27 apr 1982 anni
~ 42 years ago