June 15, 2024

1 magg 1784 anni - Pitt wins the general election


The king urged Pitt to call an election to confirm or end the new government – concerned Pitt wouldn’t remain PM without a majority to support him in the House of Commons. Pitt delayed the elections as he was worried it would give the opposition an opportunity to obstruct or belittle him.

Pitt could count on majority in House of Lords due to kings influence and the use of royal influence and patronage by royal agents was used to return MPs who would be loyal to Pitt. Had the support of independent MPs and attracted those who favoured reform and a more modern and principled type of politics. Pitt had gained the advantage by the general election of 1784 and won.

He now had the backing of the king and parliament so could carry on the normal business of government and was able to carry out series of reforms to the financial system and the administration. He was careful to keep the kings confidence but not a royal mouthpiece. The election opened the way for less instability and greater change. In 1794, Pitt had the support from the Lords, Commons and the King he needed to govern effectively.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

10 mar 2018


1 magg 1784 anni
~ 240 years ago