June 15, 2024

2 gen 1947 anni - Greece and Turkey


In February 1947, the British Embassy announced to the United States that they could no longer provide financial and economic aid to Greece and Turkey. To prevent a Communist take-over, the U.S. assumed the “responsibility” of supporting the two countries. As stated in President Truman’s doctrine, the United States supplied Greece and Turkey with 400 million dollars for “economic and military assistance.” Why exactly was it necessary to help these nations? Truman stated: "It must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." At the time, the Greek Civil War was occurring, and the Americans feared that, what with Greece's copious political issues, many citizens would fall privy to the Soviets and their ideals. As for Turkey, they too had a crumbling government, creating a higher probability for U.S.S.R. domination. Truman’s declaration of United States patronage of Greece and Turkey marked the beginning of the division between the Americans and the Soviets and their struggle for power.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


2 gen 1947 anni
~ 77 years ago