June 15, 2024

1 marzo 1510 anni a. C. - The Teaching for King Merikare


Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gérard GERTOUX

Although this teaching is assigned to Merikare, this text should rather be dated to the beginning of the 18th Dynasty for the following reasons280: this teaching is completely unknown before and is never mentioned by any previous document; the conflict with Asiatics which is described as catastrophical, is identical to the one mentioned in Tempest Stele under Ahmose; Antef II, in the last year of his reign (year 50), said he seized the thinite nome wholly. He speaks as if Thebes took possession of it for the first time. Moreover, nothing in the inscriptions of nomarchs at this time let one think about a state of war or of any disorders281. The Teaching seems to have been written around year 20 of Ahmose, which coincides with the end Ahhotep's regency. Indeed, the note: Quarry stones from Tura and do not construct your tomb through recycled materials is consistent with the fact that King Ahmose started to build his pyramid (actually a cenotaph at Abydos) from year 22. The remark: For these 20 years, recruits have been at ease, following their heart, and the military goes forth in strength. Those who are recruited enlist voluntarily like young men trained [and strengthened]. It is (our) ancestry which fights on our behalf, contradicts interpretations assuming a King Ahmose who would lead a war against the Hyksos.

There are also several historical parallels between the Admonitions of Ipuwer and The Teaching for King Merikare, since the two texts:
Ø Describe a disaster that affected the whole of Egypt and then lavish advice to Pharaoh in place to restore the country.
ØRefer to the famous prophecy of Neferty (Admonitions 1:10-11; The Teaching for King Merikare 68-74), published under Amenemhat I (1975-1946). According to this famous prophecy, Asiatics who had just entered Egypt would cause her misfortune and would be expelled after a long time.
ØMention the revolt of the District of Thinis (8th Nome of Upper Egypt) resulting in a severe takeover (Admonitions 3:10; The Teaching for King Merikare 68-74).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 marzo 1510 anni a. C.
~ 3536 years ago