June 15, 2024

27 giug 1974 anni - richie audio log #3


"Another day, another dollar, as they always say! ...(stammering) Sorry, just ignore that. I dunno what I was doing, forget it. Um... Yeah, yeah! Um... Tomorrow's the big day! You excited? Uh... Uh... Boss gave me some instructions to give you for today, so I'll get those in a second, um...

(stammering) I just wanted to- I, um... I put the chairs down, y'know, next to the tables, so, uh, just to save you the hassle so that you're not having to do that tomorrow morning, you're welcome. Um... Uh- if you can, keep an eye on the, uh, uh, whatchacallit- poker maze? It's, er, pretty easy for kids to get lost in there, (stammering) so, we just... don't want anything like that happening. Just, like, pop in every minute or so, just make sure there's no kids crying, screaming, y'know... Actually don't go off there yourself, either, you're still a teen, right? ...How old are you again? That's- doesn't matter. Whatever. You'll be fine. Don't worry about it.

Unlock the generator room, uh, clean the bathrooms, especially the men's bathroom, more on that later... Uh... Right, right, right! Uh, keep the main stage curtains closed, uh, for the time being, we uh... We transferred Sha to the secondary stage for this week, so, she'll be next to Boozoo. The, uh, bon animatronic won't be performing this week, (stammering) they've gotta do an extra week of, uh, maintenance on him. So, that's a shame, but nothing we can't fix. We do have a costume! A Bon costume, our sister company gave it to us a while ago, so y'know if you wanna earn some, uh... some extra buck, you might wanna hop in that thing. Dance around, tell some jokes, whatever. Felix would probably tell you what to do, but they're kids, they're stupid anyway, they won't notice. Um... just try to ignore the smell.

Right- uh- That reminds me, um... Uhhhh... Apparently, um, apparently some employee might've been... smoking pot. In the men's bathroom. (stammering) ...Y'know, just don't mind the smell, keep the windows open, y'know, just try and freshen up the place. Um... Make sure Felix doesn't notice, (stammering) I wouldn't want whoever that was to get in trouble, if they did smoke pot in there. Just in case. So... Yeah. That's it! G'night."

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

1 mesi fa


27 giug 1974 anni
~ 49 years ago