June 15, 2024

1 ottob 1530 anni a. C. - Tempest Stele


[Regnal Year 1 ... during the Incarnation of the Horus "Great of Developments." Two] Ladies "Perfect of Birth," Gold Falcon "Who knots together the Two Lands," King of Upper and Lower Egypt Nebpehtyre. Son of Re Ahmose, alive forever —at the coming of His Incarnation [to ... ], the Sun himself having designated him king; for though His Incarnation had settled in the harbour-town of "Provisioner of the Two Lands" [...] of the south of Dendera, A[mun-Re, lord of thrones of the Two Lands] was in Thebes. Then His Incarnation sailed upstream to [give him a] pure [...]. Now, after this offer[ing ceremony ... th]em, and they were put on the [... in/of] this [nome], while the processional image [...], his body united with this temple, his limbs in joy. [Then His Incarnation sailed downstream to the Palace, lph. But] this great [god] was desiring [that] His Incarnation [return to him, while] the gods were asking for [all] their cult-services. [Then] the gods [made] the sky come in a storm of r[ain, with dark]ness in the western region and the sky beclouded without [stop, loud]er than [the sound of] the subjects, strong[er than ..., howling(?)] on the hills more than the sound of the cavern in Elephantine. Then every house and every habitation they reached [perished and those in them died, their corpses] floating on the water like skiffs of papyrus, (even) in the doorway and the private apartments (of the palace), for a period of up to [...] days, while no torch could give light over the Two Lands. Then His Incarnation said: How much greater is this than the impressive manifestation of the great god, than the plans of the gods! What His Incarnation did was to go down to his launch, with his council behind him and [his] army on the east and west (kinks) providing cover, there being no covering on them after the occurrence of the god's impressive manifestation. What His Incarnation did was to arrive at the interior of Thebes, and gold encountered the gold of this processional image, so that he received what he had desired. Then His Incarnation was stabilizing the Two Lands and guiding the flooded areas. He did not stop, feeding them with silver, with gold, with copper, with oils and clothing, with every need that could be desired. What His Incarnation did was to rest in the Palace, lph. Then one was reminding His Incarnation of the entering of the sacred estates, the dismantling of tombs, the hacking up of mortuary enclosures, and the toppling of pyramids —how what had never been done (before) had been done. Then His Incarnation commanded to make firm the temples that had fallen to ruin in this entire land: to make functional the monuments of the gods, to erect their enclosure walls, to put the sacred things in the special room, to hide the secret places, to cause the processional images that were fallen to the ground to enter their shrines, to set up the braziers, to erect the altars and fix their offering-loaves, to double the income of office-holders —to put the land like its original situation. Then it was done like everything that His Incarnation commanded to do.


Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gérard GERTOUX

In the Stele of the Tempest he also blames Apopi for all the disasters that come to fall upon Egypt which caused many deaths.

This inscription confirms three points: the disaster linked to Hyksos occurred before the reign of Ahmose and it affected all Egypt; the unprecedented violence of climatic elements explains the consternation of Seqenenre and his council when they met Apopi; the origin of this conflict is linked to the Hyksos deity (Apopi's single god), because of the amazing sentence: How much greater is this than the impressive manifestation of the great god, than the plans of the gods!

The description of events, according to the Tempest Stele, has several amazing items: a storm of extraordinary intensity affected the whole of Egypt, the country was left in total darkness (during 9 days, according to the inscription of naos 2248282), the storm decimated the people including the Palace, and dead bodies floated down the Nile like skiffs of papyrus; the temples were particularly affected; the disaster was caused by a god greater than the will of the gods.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 ottob 1530 anni a. C.
~ 3557 years ago