June 15, 2024

10 ottob 1997 anni - Boys Will Be Boys


A girl attempts to escape a frat party, but is recaptured. Buffy and Giles are pleased at the apparent lack of activity around the Hellmouth. Giles hopes to use the time to train, but Buffy is reluctant. Buffy meets Angel, and they discuss dating, but Angel is reluctant and Buffy leaves angrily. Buffy chooses to go with Cordelia to a frat party. Xander also attends the party, but is recognized as a gate crasher and forced to dress as a girl. At the party, the pair are drugged and chained up in the basement along with the girl captured earlier. The frat boys are in fact members of a cult worshiping Machida, a reptile demon, to whom the girls are offered as a sacrifice. Giles, Willow, and Angel realize the danger Buffy is in. Cordelia is chosen as the first sacrifice, but Buffy distracts Machida, breaks free of her chains and kills the demon, while Giles, Willow, Xander, and Angel arrive and subdue the rest of the party. The frat boys are all arrested and the cult collapses. Giles promises to push Buffy less hard in future. Angel asks to have coffee with Buffy.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

28 mar 2023


10 ottob 1997 anni
~ 26 years ago