June 15, 2024

17 marzo 1997 anni - Witch


At try-outs for Sunnydale High's cheerleading squad, one entrant spontaneously catches fire. Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles investigate. Another hopeful, Amy, stumbles during practice, knocking over Cordelia, and does not make the team. Soon after, Cordelia becomes disoriented and loses her sight. Buffy narrowly saves her from being run over. Buffy suspects that Amy may be a witch, causing these and other incidents in an attempt to make the cheerleading team. Buffy spills a potion on Amy and it turns blue, indicating recent use of magic. Amy realizes what is going on and casts a spell on Buffy that threatens to kill her if left unreversed. Arriving at Amy's home, Giles and Buffy confront her "mother", but quickly realize that Amy's mother Catherine, a witch and former cheerleader herself, has possessed her daughter's body. Giles works to reverse the spells, and is able to just before Catherine kills Buffy. After the spells are reversed, the two fight, and Buffy is able to reflect a spell back on Catherine, who is apparently killed. Restored to her original body, Amy and Buffy become friends, while Catherine is shown to be trapped inside a cheerleading trophy.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

28 mar 2023


17 marzo 1997 anni
~ 27 years ago