June 15, 2024

6 marzo 2023 anni - (GERMANY) Bremerhaven shunting loco switched over to HVO


Shunting locomotives in the German Bremerhaven are now running solely on Hydro-treated Vegetable Oil (HVO) instead of diesel fuel. With funding from the state Bremen, a filling station was converted so that last-mile transport now produces significantly less emissions.

Bremerhaven seaport is is one of the two ‘twin ports’ of Bremen, together forming the Bremen Ports. In Bremerhaven seaport, three railway companies are currently active as shunting service providers for the last mile to the terminals and back. DB Cargo AG, Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH (evb) and FLEX Bahndienstleistungen GmbH are currently using up to 15 shunting locomotives, previously powered by diesel. They are in use 24 hours a day, 360 days a year and each consumed around 80,000 liters of diesel per year. By switching to HVO, emissions are greatly reduced: compared to conventional diesel, HVO causes around 90 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions. The biofuel is made from biological residues and waste, and has no fossil origin.


Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 marzo 2023 anni
~ 1 years and 3 months ago