June 15, 2024

17 giug 2017 anni - Battle of the Rainbow Bridge


-As Valkyrie, Heimdall, and the Asgardians fight for their lives, Loki arrives with Korg and his Sakaaran allies, enjoying the moment as he proclaims himself to be Asgard's savior.

-Hela teases Thor about her victory and his lack of power without the hammer, asking, "What were you the god of, again?" At that moment, Thor sees Odin in his mind, contacting him from Valhalla. Odin tells Thor that Asgard is, in fact, not a place, but a people, and that the spirit of Asgard will live on even if the location does not. He reminds Thor that he is the god of thunder, revealing that Mjølnir was only a tool to channel his power, but that he still has true power within him. He leaves the vision, reminding his son that he is even stronger than him.

-Thor comes out of the vision and accesses his true strength to strike Hela with lightning. He leaps at the Rainbow Bridge, attacking her forces with giant bolts of electricity, using the strongest powers he has ever channelled.

-Thor and Valkyrie fight the Berserkers as Hulk wrestles with Fenris, eventually hurling him off of Asgard to fall into outer space.[56][57]
Hela arrives at the Rainbow Bridge, and the Revengers assemble to fight her. With his powers in full force, Thor manages to resist Hela and carves through her army, but he realizes she is still too much for him.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


17 giug 2017 anni
~ 6 years and 11 months ago
