June 15, 2024

14 giug 2017 anni - Escape from Muspelheim


-Thor has allowed himself to be captured by Surtur in order to obtain more information about the Infinity Stones, after not finding anything in the last 2 years. He tells the story of his current predicament to a skeleton who sits with him in his cell.

-Surtur lowers Thor from his cage to hang from chains in front of him. However, Thor only laughs at Surtur, claiming that Odin defeated him thousands of years ago. Surtur tells Thor that Ragnarök has been set in motion, and nothing is going to prevent it now that Odin has been absent from Asgard, to Thor's surprise and confusion.

-The ruler of Muspelheim claims that he is going to bring the apocalypse to Asgard once he merges with the Eternal Flame, but he comments that without his crown, he will not be able to do it.

-Thor uses Mjølnir to free himself and battle Surtur and his Fire Demons. He manages to knock his crown off, so he can never merge with the Eternal Flame. Thor believes he has thus prevented Ragnarök.

-As Thor is chased by a Fire Dragon, he tries to return to Asgard by calling Heimdall, not knowing that he has been exiled and replaced by Skurge.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 giug 2017 anni
~ 6 years and 11 months ago
