April 1, 2024

1 gen 1905 anni - Sweatshops


The family is short on money and that means less food. Clara is recently been looking for a job and some people she has asked have told her there are garment shops that Clara could work in. So, Clara gets her job at a place called a sweatshop. That is the first english word she learns. Clara starts to work seven days a week and ten or more hours a day. She only would earn 6 dollars at the end of each week. Since Clara has to work during most of the day, she want to start English learning classes at the free school in the evening. After work and two classes Papa is very angry with Clara. Papa told Clara that she needs to be home at 7 and Clara explains why she isn't home. He then forbids her to go to classes at night and told her she needs to help clean with her mom at night. Clara was so angry with her father and just said, "You help her." She couldn't handle it anymore and she just wanted to learn.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

22 feb 2018


1 gen 1905 anni
~ 119 years ago