June 15, 2024

11 ore 17 min, 14 nov 1965 anni - Tasak is Removed from Tsivgale of Oipienta


In the morning of November 14, 1965, a group of disgruntled Oipientian soldiers stormed the Presidential Palace. The 18 soldiers present staged a coup and overthrew Tasak. They kidnapped him and his family, brought them to a house 8 miles outside of Kueplios and demanded Tasak's resignation. Tasak agreed when one of the soldiers shot and killed his son. The Tsvigaleploi was then given to the opposition leader, Rikjoert Yãloskíriv, and officially ratified by the Senate of the Republic on January 1, 1966 and Tasak was barred from holding any office of power or authority in Oipienta. He decided to retire at the age of 68 and moved to the State of Ireta in 1966. Tasak would later die in 1979 due to lung cancer.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 ore 17 min, 14 nov 1965 anni
~ 58 years ago