June 15, 2024

18 lugl 610 anni - King Bekarva the Good Dies


He was mauled to death by wolves during a hunting trip. His funeral was done with a specially made ceremonial mask that was designed with Serpent marking. This began the tradition of kings and important rulers being buried with ceremonial masks and has continued to the modern day. Bekarva's body was exhumed during the Siege of Kueplios (785) and taken by invading Larifien soldiers who then threw the body into the woods and stole all of the goods buried with the king, including his funeral mask. The mask was then sold in Brarith and was sold to a travelling merchant who specialized in jewelry. He travelled to Kri and sold it to the Lord of Kri with a made-up story that the mask belonged to the Larifien God of War and that the wearer of the mask would succeed in any battle. So the Lord of Kri then modified the mask to be able to be worn while in battle, but then when he was fighting in the Battle of Seminesa, he was killed and the mask was then taken by an enemy soldier as a souvenier. The mask, in the hands of a Seminesan soldier, sold it to another trader who then travelled to Krilkot and sold it in Aveci to a church saying that it was the Mask of Johita. The mask stayed in that church until about 844, when it was destroyed by an earthquake. It was then taken by a worker clearing the debris of the church and given to the Lord of Aveci who kept it in his study, alongside his other possession. The mask was handed down to each new Aveci lord until it was taken by raiders during the Abar War in 949. The raiders then took with them and sold it, once again, to a merchant who travelled to Kueplios and sold it to another merchant. This merchant then gifted it to King Yuroc Valcor, who placed it above the Throne of Serpents. The merchant that gave it to Yuroc recognized it as the Funeral Mask of King Bekarva and first fixed it up by removing the tattered leather strap added by the Lord of Kri, repainting its now chipped state, and refurbishing its shine. The mask stayed above the Serpent Throne until it was placed in the Karmen Museum in 1912.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


18 lugl 610 anni
~ 1414 years ago