June 15, 2024

26 lugl 2022 anni - (US) CO2Rail and university partners reveal how carbon capture tech on trains can help mitigate climate change


CO2Rail worked with a team from the University of Toronto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Princeton University, the University of Sheffield, and industry to look at how DAC equipment can be installed in special rail cars on trains that are already running in regular service to capture carbon dioxide.

DAC technology for removing carbon dioxide from the air and compressing it for utilization or permanent geological sequestration promises to reduce overall CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and help mitigate global climate change.

The IPCC has reported that deep net-negative CO2 mitigation is almost certainly necessary to stay within 2°C of warming. However, despite its promise, the process of carbon removal straight from the air can be energy and land intensive and often very expensive.

CO2Rail has developed rail-based, self-powered DAC technology which removes excess carbon dioxide from the ambient air using the global rail network, purpose-built rail equipment, and sustainable, train-generated regenerative braking energy. The DAC/rail approach promises to use less energy, less land, and at a cost that the world could afford, according to CO2Rail.


Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


26 lugl 2022 anni
~ 1 years and 10 months ago